Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Social Media Guru and Toltec Master?

Buzz Story

I am traveling to Mexico to learn Totec Wisdom from the great Don Miguel Ruiz, author of the New York Times bestseller THE FOUR AGREEMENTS this month and film interviews of his views about how we can use the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012 to return to truth as a civilization.

The Impact

You'll be helping me learn ancient Toltec wisdom and make video interviews of Don Miguel on the trip to share with the world via YouTube on http://youtube.com/dreamshield2012

What We Need & What You Get

I've got the air fare, the classes, the room all paid for and all I need is spending cash for ground transportation and meals. 
Check out the great incentives that can make this donation a good investment in your social media.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Release Date: iPhone 5

Frustrated by all the false blogs about iPhone 5 release dates, Jason Gilbert of the Huffington Post wrote a false rumor template to save time for the bloggers who really know nothing.  Funny stuff after the jump.

I'm an Android user myself but I have heard rumors this new iPhone 5 will feature an anti-matter teleportation app to whisk you away to anywhere in this galaxy.   Meep!

Could the iPhone 5 be coming out in time for [COLUMBUS DAY/HALLOWEEN/THE RAPTURE]?

According to [/NAME OF NEWSPAPER/NAME OF CLAIRVOYANT WIZARD], the newest Apple iPhone will be coming out in [MONTH]. The publication heard these latest rumors from anonymous sources at [APPLE/AT&T/THE SOVEREIGN REPUBLIC OF SOUTH KOREA], who purportedly ["HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF THE MATTER"/"HAVE SEEN CONFIDENTIAL INTERNAL DOCUMENTS"/"HAVE A MODEM AND A KEYBOARD"]. The iPhone 5--or iPhone 4s, as some believe it will be called--is expected to feature an 8 Megapixel rear-facing camera, a wider touchscreen and, perhaps, [4G CAPABILITY/A FASTER A5 PROCESSOR/JACUZZI JETS]. iPhone 5 rumors have been heating up recently, as many different sites have jumped in on the action. Earlier in the week, Apple blog [9TO5MAC/MACRUMORS/MAC MACKINGTON'S MAC NEWS SITE AND MAC BLOG] published blurry photos sent in by a tipster taken in [SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA/WUHAN, CHINA/PHOTOSHOP] that they claim show a prototype iPhone 5 in the wild; earlier in the week, [INSERT UNPRONOUNCABLE WEBSITE NAME], a daily newspaper written in [JAPANESE/VIETNAMESE/A LANGUAGE PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT EXTINCT], shared a report showing that Apple had ordered [NUMBER BETWEEN 40 MILLION AND INFINITY] iPhone 5s for the upcoming quarter. If these latest rumors prove true, they would debunk reports from other sites that have said that the iPhone 5 would [COME OUT IN SEPTEMBER/COME OUT IN OCTOBER/COME OUT OF THE CLOSET ON AN EPISODE OF THE DR. PHIL SHOW]. We have reason to trust this particular source, however, as they previously predicted correctly the [RELEASE DATE OF THE IPHONE 4/FEATURES OF THE IPAD 2/POWERBALL NUMBERS FOR FEBRUARY 23, 1997]. Apple did not respond to request for comment. Time will only tell whether these rumors turn out to be [TRUE/FALSE/WILDLY AND IRRESPONSIBLY FABRICATED], but one thing is for sure: We are very, very close to knowing the definite date for the release of the iPhone 5. For all the latest iPhone rumors, make sure you check back here often at your one-stop-shop for all things Apple, [NAME OF YOUR TECHNOLOGICALLY-LEANING BLOG SITE].

Spoof iPhone5 Template by Jason Gilbert - Huffington Post - Used by Permission

Social Media as a Social Experiement

Ken Sheetz
I am a Hollywood filmmaker on social media hiatus. When the recession hit and film money went scarce I started BuzzBroz - The Art of Social Media services.  So named as I thought my real-life brother Fred would come to work with me in LA and leave his factory job in Wisconsin.  Fred was not up for transplanting himself, but the name stuck.

Unlike my past incarnations in business as an interior corporate architect turned real estate developer, this time around I did not want to focus on large corporate work.  I'd done that gig, as a driven man doing a billion in biz, creating the headquarters for Target Stores, Allied Mills, Chase Bank Chicago (Then Manny Hanny), huge law firms like Bell Boyd & LLoyd and topped off by, Oprah's Harpo Studios.

Working at a smaller relaxed more human scale however proved challenging.  Convincing people of the value of social media's power wasn't the only hard part.  People are flat out tight on cash with the banks sitting on all we taxpayers gave them to horde.  Don't get me started on politics!  I love poking fun at politicians on my hit Kids Talk Politics channel, cruising for 2 million views by year end.

But I prevailed in the "jobless recovery" (talk about political BS) by cutting my lifestyle to Spartan.  I traded in my luxury wheels for a bike, and lost 30 pounds in the bargain.  I gave up my apartment, after finding a home for my little chihuahua, and began bartering for rooms in return for social media. And the social experiment of barter for social media was born.

The barter experiment has proven a huge challenge at times. Not everyone gets the value of clicks for a room.  At times I've worked so hard earning the roof over my head I don't create the time to earn money for basics like food and medicine.

That's my fault not the barter system.  I love happy clients, but I need to worry about a happy Ken going forward.  I've started a new YouTube channel today called The Zen of Ken.  I hope you'll check it out.  I can vlog there more freely than on my Imagitv, DiscoverMe, BuzzBroz, KidsTalk Politics, and DreamShield2012 channels with over 3 million views in combination.

Happily, I've settled into my best barter for living space yet at BushWillows. It's an amazing place I have here with a private balcony overlooking the Shadow Hills, north of LA.  Here's a video where I met the owners last year.  

Deluxe!  Yes, the experiment is working.  After 11.11.11 I will begin traveling to other countries in this fashion staying at yoga and spiritual resorts.

To give you an overview of how this social media work all took an amazing turn for the spiritual I'd not foreseen, my first featured video on The Zen of Ken is from a speech I gave last year.  The 10.10.10 DreamShield event that grew out of a vision while on social media assignment I had in Italy of angels, very special ET angels, who set me on a mission of fostering social media to help reduce 2012 fears spawned by mainstream media.

I don't know where this life changing vision came from or the dozens of others visiosn I've had since and which I blog about at DreamShield on WordPress.  Could it be angels or my Overactive imagination (name of my film company), UFOs, cell phones scrambling our brains or simply too much coffee causing the visions?

Who cares?  I've learned over the last year it doesn't really matter.  People are comforted by the vision I had in Italy of a gentle 2012 and want to play with us, meditate with us on a better tomorrow.  This world needs to change, and social media, and how it connects us as a world, is, more than ever, a part of that change.


Monday, September 5, 2011

Less is More for Web Virals

Many clients are confused about the purpose of their videos on the web when they first come to me.  Some don't like it when I burst their bubble the vids are about spreading links to draw traffic to your pet project or business, not being the next web darling.   Let's face it, even if you are a top talent, and not many of us are, the shorter the video is the better people like it and will pass it on. 

I came across this viral gem checking email on AOL.  Whoever is putting these highlights together for them knows what the heck they are doing!  Great editing.  Enjoy as an example of how tight and short something for SMM should be.  And we should know, drop below for our 34.5. video that has over 1 million views so far.

Here's our million views baby. Cute kids and cats, people. That's the majority of views in mainstream web views. Sorry all art buffs out there. But we did our best to create an artful kid piece.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Has Facebook Reached Its Saturation Point? "Ya think?!"

Speaking as a guy in the trenches on social media for my own buzz biz http://buzzbroz.com/, without doubt Facebook has reached a saturation point.  In the early days we were not all flooded with events and products and it was a genuine place to relax.

With over 160 million US users alone FB is now the web within the web.  And so today we are bombarded and the good is lost amongst the spam.

A wise teacher of mine once said, "Something for everyone is nothing."

What's the next big thing on the web?  That's the fun part.  We don't know.   Go to it nerd geniuses!

Your bro for buzz,
Ken Sheetz

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Content Factory Society

OK, I'm a Boomer and did not grow up with the notion of creating content as a pass time.  What I see as the pattern in all social media is a vast virtually free virtual labor pool for the owners of social media sites.

Yes, you can post Google ads if you want to get pay for your efforts.  But really, the payback on this is miniscule except for a fortunate few.  Thinks of it as a electronic lottery where that one viral hit might make all your efforts pay off.  For the rest of the world it's working for peanuts with little hope of a decent pay day.

That's the cynical view of course. On a positive flip side social media provides an electronic diary of your life and a window for sharing personal adventures.  So we're a Content Factory Society.  So what?  It's fun.

Just know what you're in for.  If you're expecting a free ride on viral hit, those days are over.  These days exposure on the net costs ad money.  Today to make you project more than a vanity affair you must pay to ADVERTISE!  $2K will generate 8 million impressions on Facebook.  Now that's exciting.

Otherwise you're just hanging out and a like this video states...

Monday, April 25, 2011

Mental Radio is on the Air!

Love Monty Python, Dr. Who?, cutting edge consciousness talk, cool music, radio theater? You'll love Mental Radio with Shadoe Stevens and his wildly entertaining bunch.  The show airs from noon to 3 PM PST each Saturday and Sunday and will be available on Podcast.  Great fun.

From the site:

"MENTALRADIO is more than a Radio Talk Show, it brings energy, theater, and humor to radio and the Internet in entertaining explorations of the most interesting and powerful topics in contemporary life.

It brings information, evidence, images, tips, and interviews designed to create a positive way of looking at everything.

The Tongue stuck Frozen to the Flagpole of Talk Radio breaks Free. Introducing “Chronic Talk.”

MENTALRADIO is coming Saturday April 23rd. Created by Shadoe Stevens and featuring "Dr. Freeze", it will be heard initially on www.kthoradio.com in Lake Tahoe and on www.mentalradio.net, and will be heard weekly, Saturdays and Sundays, noon-3pm Pacific

MENTALRADIO is about the Future. It’s a State of Mind. It's about a new way of looking at things. It's the Pipe and Slippers your Imagination was waiting for."

And about Shadoe:

"Shadoe Stevens was the first program director of "World Famous" KROQ-FM. He created one of the first Alternative Rock formats in the country. As Vice President of Programming, he created a new music format that consisted of nothing but "cutting edge, exciting new music. As both PD and on-air personality, the "attitude" he developed, combined with this new musical "niche," resulted in astonishing acceptance in a very short time. Within 6 months it became a number one station. As a radio personality during this period, he won the Billboard Magazine Personality of the Year Award.

After leaving radio for the worlds of television and film, in 1988, he was offered the position of hosting American Top Forty. Casey Kasem left the show, and Shadoe became the new host for the next 6 years. During this time, it became the most successful and widely syndicated radio show in the world. It was broadcast in 120 countries to an estimated 1 billion listeners every week. His voice became one of the most recognizable voices in the world. At the same time, he appeared on Hollywood Squares, which for three years was a top 5 syndicated show. As a regular on the show, he became a household name. The show continued in successful syndication for another three years.

He starred in two network series for CBS, the Fred Silverman production "Loose Cannon," and for four years the Top 20 series "Dave's World" with Harry Anderson, Meshach Tayler, and DeLane Matthews.

He has frequently been a guest star on a wide range of hit TV series including: Beverly Hills 90210, Baywatch, The Larry Sanders Show, Caroline in the City, Clueless, Burke's Law, Fast Track, and Sonny Spoon (w/Mario Van Peebles).

As a voice-over artist, he has been the voice of Hollywood Squares, Comic Relief, the Grammy Awards, the Emmy Awards, and countless commercials. He is currently announcer for "The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson" on CBS."

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Whoever Said a Slide Show Could Not Be Healthy?

Spiritual musical artist Philippo Franchini has been such an great friend lending his score to many of my videos.  If you drop by to buy some of his music tell him Ken Sheetz sent you.

Here Philippo makes my humble slide show feel so magical.  So have a Learning Meditation thanks to BuzzBroz and Mr. Franchini.

Oh and here's a very funny video from Philippo. Multi-talented man and provider of many of our score for DreamShield videos.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How to Not Lose Friends and Un-Influence Fans

Wow.  Aren't you clever?  You found the slide show I've created for tomorrow night's (4/14/11) free webinar on the do's and don't of social media.  Enjoy.

But if you want to learn even more cool free stuff click here for the LiveStream video that will go live at 7 PST or on Facebook, where we'd love it if you became a fan.  Come on we gotta get something outta this free deal:)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

135 Million Words

That's how many words were written today on WordPress alone, so double that to 270 million to include Blogger.com.   Amazing.  It's a Tsunami of consciousness.  The beauty for the gurus who built these sites is we are blogging up vast daily content for free.  Few bloggers have the kind of following that generates a real income.

People can no longer expect to bootstrap a successful blog or YouTube channel.  The web does not care how beautiful your material is.  The web is heartless and without investing in an ad campaign you can no longer expect to establish an income producing brand.

The good news is BuzzBroz created ad campaign on Facebook of $2000 a month will reach the pages of 5 to 8 million targeted people each month interested in your brand of entertainment or product.  These low prices won't last.  I recommend anyone serious about their work on the web bite the bullet and spend the money to promote on Facebook.

I've yet to see the effectiveness of Twitter unless you are a celeb.  My advice is focus your budget on YouTube and Facebook.  Considering the top YouTube channels earn $300,000 a year it's well worth reaching for the brass ring if you have the talent. 

BTW, we will give an honest opinion on your talent.  It's sad to see some of the promoted videos of people on YouTube who just ain't got it.

But if you got it, investing in promoting you content, yourself, is the single greatest investment you can make.

I hate seeing people spend a fortune on great content only to fail to promote it.  Kinda like building a house without a roof, folks.  And sadly I see people do it every day.  Vanity projects are not welcome at BuzzBroz.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wizard Behind the Curtain

Buzzed to you by Ken Sheetz

I was talking to a new potential client who has a great application for Facebook.  More on this later hopefully.  What struck me was how this bright man was feeling like many clients feel about social media: Overwhelmed.

The potential client had been told to budget up to half million dollars to launch a SMM campaign.  Imagine their relief when I told them they could get started for $2000 and reach 5 to 8 million targeted potential users of their app.  If the click through rate is what I hope it might be for them this $2000 could be enough to let them keep rolling over the profits to reach the half million mark without really coming out of pocket.  But certainly $10,000 or 40 million impressions would do the job or show them the app, God forbid is a bust.

I guess my competition must hate me for showing people that there really is no wizard behind the curtain. SMM takes money but it's still a bargain. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

World Premier of Laura De León's PASSION PRAYER

Buzzed to you by Ken Sheetz

Music Artist Laura De León
About a year ago BuzzBroz began helping indie musical artists get the buzz out about their songs with music videos on YouTube.  However most independent music people don't have a budget for a lavish music video.  So how to get these people's songs discovered without breaking the bank?

BuzzBroz to the rescue with inexpensive yet lovely music videos made using stock Apple visualizer software and HD screen capture software with a some creative editing!

And here's our latest music video creation PASSION PRAYER by Laura De León of MyMysticMuse.

Friday, February 4, 2011

2011 - Economic Recovery Illusive

Unemployment remains high and my canary in the coal mine, my super skilled welder brother remains out of work most of the time.

So why the lackluster recovery, or no recovery?  Simple.  America no longer makes stuff.  Much as I love my company BuzzBroz does not really make stuff either.  We are a social media service company.

That's why one of our 2011 resolutions is a to do more social media for companies making products and to buy American when we can.