Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Content Factory Society

OK, I'm a Boomer and did not grow up with the notion of creating content as a pass time.  What I see as the pattern in all social media is a vast virtually free virtual labor pool for the owners of social media sites.

Yes, you can post Google ads if you want to get pay for your efforts.  But really, the payback on this is miniscule except for a fortunate few.  Thinks of it as a electronic lottery where that one viral hit might make all your efforts pay off.  For the rest of the world it's working for peanuts with little hope of a decent pay day.

That's the cynical view of course. On a positive flip side social media provides an electronic diary of your life and a window for sharing personal adventures.  So we're a Content Factory Society.  So what?  It's fun.

Just know what you're in for.  If you're expecting a free ride on viral hit, those days are over.  These days exposure on the net costs ad money.  Today to make you project more than a vanity affair you must pay to ADVERTISE!  $2K will generate 8 million impressions on Facebook.  Now that's exciting.

Otherwise you're just hanging out and a like this video states...

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