Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Sorry I've been away soon long. Nose to the grindstone I've just finished raising $1.5 million on the NEO Indiegogo I created for the amazing Flanagans.  It's time to move onto other things. I've helped one of the most brilliant men I've ever met in Dr. Flanagan as much as I can for now as he wants to stand back and assess the future for the NEO.

Been such an honor. His being away recuperating in Mexico for 3 months has helped soften to blow of missing hanging with he and his amazing wide Stephanie. Here are Pat and Steph thanking me for the success of the Indie.  Pat was only out of the hospital a few weeks when this was filmed so he looks tired. Enjoy!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Yahoo! News Picks Up BuzzBroz Press Release for NEO

Dr. Patrick Flanagan and Stephanie Sutton Announce NEO
Great success for Dr. Flanagan's amazing NEO Neurophone. Yahoo News, with a audience potential of 51 million people picked up our press release. Written by our Director of Buzzology the talented Genevieve Munoz, and edited by yours truly and the cool peeps at Erelease.com. The story was also picked up by 225 other news outlets raising our reach to 75 million people all across America.

I've been unhappy with most PR firms over the years. Seems I must always rewrite what they come up with.  The NEO, techno-mediation, was device, though loved in New Age circles, was unknown to the mainstream.  One PR firm became busy, very last minute and quit, another PR player was not a personality match to the brilliant doctor Flanagan, inventor of the NEO, leaving us without PR.

So it's a great pleasure to see BuzzBroz can fill the void ourselves in the missing PR on the hit NEO. Click here to read the Yahoo story. Thus far the BuzzBroz created and managed hit NEO Indiegogo has gathered almost $750,000 and counting.

Friday, December 26, 2014


Enough of Americans, led most notably by George Clooney, made enough noise and Sony reversed itself and released THE INTERVIEW on Xmas day after all to sell out crowds in limited theatrical release and online, more notably, online at Youtube, thus thumbing its nose at the online hackers Guardians of Peace.

As predicted by fear fighting BuzzBroz, no theaters exploded, North Korean soldiers did not parachute into Tempe, AZ and World War 3 is still only the apocalyptic favorite topic of 5 out of the 6 trailers I saw for THE HOBBIT's Sedona release.  How weird is that?

Yep.  What a fear feast Hollywood gifted us for Xmas this year.  Mega chain AMC remains on the Chicken Little INTERVIEW sideline, BTW.  Bah humbug.  AMC is cowardly.  I say boycott their theaters for getting the self-censorship ball rolling.

BuzzBroz had some fun at Kim's expense but never pictured killing him off like Seth and James do. One of the rules of classic comedy people seem to be forgetting is no one dies.  Not even the bad guys.

Stay tuned for my review of THE INTERVIEW.  I'll admit I am biased against this film on the principle its arrogant in killing Kim off. Hollywood is arrogant and sick in its own right.  No heroes in this film except the American people raising a stink to see THE INTERVIEW, thumbs up or down.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Sony Disregards Obama and the People

By Ken Sheetz


Hear it?  That was the sound of your freedom of expression vanishing under the threat of terrorism, cyber and otherwise, with Sony pulling the Xmas day release of THE INTERVIEW.

Such quiet terrorism that it makes America's most powerful stealth bomber sound like car that lost a muffler. So sudden. Yesterday we were a free country. Able to enjoy political satire. Today we are less as a people and on a dangerous slope.

What's next North Korea, or some other nuclear power, telling us what we can post on FB, Youtube and Twitter? Don't laugh. It can happen.

Are terrorists really allowed to win so easy? Are we so desensitized to violence and corruption in our government, so docile that we are going to let these criminals run our lives without a whimper?

The Sony debacle is so deep it topples all our illusions of a free society.  I bet many brave souls would sign a waiver to see THE INTERVIEW, if just in defiance of the so called Guardians of Peace.  Sony, a foreign corporation, if not on paper, is setting a terrible precedent by saying they had no choice from a liability standpoint but to pull the film. It's utter disrespect of the rights of the people.

Imagine Chaplin's THE LITTLE DICTATOR being pulled because Adolph Hitler was angry it mocked him.  Where has the backbone of our society gone?

No 911 towers fell. But something just as, if not more, important has vanished without a single casualty...  our freedom.

Such a feeble president we have at such a critical moment in history.  Here is his response to the cyber threats.  "Americans should go to the movies." How? Nothing to see Mr. President.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Author Scientist Patrick Flanagan Wows Crowd at Conscious Life Expo

By Ken Sheetz

Patrick Flanagan and Stephanie Sutton at the Conscious Life Expo
Sunday morning the 9th of February 2014.  Grabbing a few minutes before another busy day following Dr. Patrick Flanagan of PhiSciences at the Conscious Life Expo in LA.  

Patrick, one of the world's most famous scientists and author of the 70s best seller PYRAMID POWER, has become my biggest client and dear friend, along with his brilliant wife Stephanie Sutton.  My heart swelled with pride yesterday, watching a revitalized Patrick wow the filled to overflow room he spoke to here yesterday in the city of angels.  Patrick shared stories from his amazing 69 year life he never shared before and held the audience spellbound.

Standing Room Only for Flanagan
Dr. Flanagan vowed to bring a new Neurophone, aimed to be $99, to the world, no later than 2015, to the enthused cheers from the packed room!  A generous humble man who claims to merely be a channel for inspiration from the beyond, Patrick was kind enough to acknowledge me at the back of the room filming.  Look for the video on our YouTube.com/buzzbroz channel.

Be sure to visit NewNeurophone.com where we are in prelaunch for the IndieGoGo campaign coming once we have 5,000 volunteers for a smarter tomorrow.  There you'll find links to the group where we will run the campaign on Facebook.

One of the staff of the famed Conscious Life said Partick had the best attendance of any speaker that day as the every square inch of the room was full of standing room only attendees.

As he was building to an exciting conclusion to his 90 minute workshop that ranged from the practical applications of fluid dynamics to the power of pyramids, a fire alarm cut things short by 20 minutes to the groans of the crowd.

Stephanie Sutton with New Skin Care Line Amazing Essentials
And at booth 93, where you might still catch a glimpse of the versatile scientist today, sales of Stephanie Sutton's new line of skin care prodcuts, infused with Patrick's famed Crystal Energy, were brisk.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Robotic Judge, Jury and Executioner

By IMB Credited Filmmaker Ken Sheetz

Allow me to get social media nerdy.

If you are going to be in social media and earning a living on Google ads on YouTube you better enjoy being a paralegal disputing errant claims of kids and crooks. Not the fun part of my job. YouTube's robot is constantly and errantly selecting stuff to claim against you has bugs and you must constantly put your video life on the line as they have the right to cancel your channel as your judge, jury and executioner.

Here's my latest dispute. Now imagine me doing this paperwork on hundreds of videos from time to time and you understand why I am creating a Vimeo channel.

And here is the video that over 250 thousand dollars of my time and talent rides on. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Remembering a Hero of the Recession

By Ken Sheetz
BuzzBroz.com & DreamShield.org

I was in Arizona on an assignment for SpiritQuest Retreats in Sedona, on the road to my Antarctica documentary/meditation project, when I got the news that a dear pal and client Bradley Quick of The Cool Change Foundation, a charity for helping people overcome addiction through media, was sick with stage 4 cancer in LA.

Cancer?  Bradley?  It made no sense!  This was a man who tirelessly gave to the addiction healing world with free appearances at AA events and doing healing work all over the world.

I met Mr. Quick in the depths of the Great Recession.  It was January 2010 and I had been evicted from my luxury apartment just 4 months prior.  This seemed horrible at the time.  But it began series of barters for rooms for social media services, which led me to Bradley's apartment in Noho.  I'd make over 150 YouTube videos for our 18 months barter and help build his LiveStream radio station, far more than we bartered for but such was Bradley's mission and charm.

Bradley's bachelor pad wasn't much of an apartment for looks or comforts, but Bradley was fascinating to watch for me, as a guy from the corporate real estate world turned filmmaker.  Bradley was as loveable as the Dude in the BIG LEBOWSKI and we'd dream many times of adapting his book THE QUICK FIX into a screenplay.  Jeff Bridges was the man to play Bradley.

I have more than enough material from the 18 months I spent as Bradley's roommate to make a screenplay or maybe even two, but I will share one story, it helps me grieve, of what kinda human angel this guy was.

It was late 2010, and the run down little apartment complex we lived in was locked in foreclosure battles.  Something Bradley, as the master tenant on the lease, had no control over.  Though he kept an eye on perhaps buying the building out of the mess with the help of his lifelong friend Edward Kim. 

One day, as I went for a shower in the bathroom I shared with Bradley's cats... no water.  I stormed over to Bradley's office in my bathrobe and said from the door, angrily thinking he had missed the bill, "Guess what?"

Bradley was in his workout clothes, which included a blue Chargers hat with blue hair, "No water.  I know.  Just dialing the water company.  Take a seat."

The seat facing the pile of papers on Bradley's desk was torn to shreds by Bradely's two cats who used it as a scratching post and Brad has sloppily duct taped it back together.  I navigated my butt to a spot on could sit on, without a spring poking me, as Bradley navigated his phone to find a live body at the water company. 

"DWP Billing. How can we help you?" a stern man's voice finally answered after rounds of robotic runarounds.

"Hi, my name is Bradley Quick.  I paid my water bill this month.  So why has my water been shut off?"

"Let me check... Huh, I see you have paid your bill... Ah, but the property owners have stopped making payments for the apartment building.  So it's all shut off.  Nothing we can do," the DWP man said grimly.

"Come on. There's must be something.  How do I get this water turned back on?" said Bradley, rolling his eyes at me.

"You'd have to get the landlord to make their payments, sir."

"That's not going to happen," said Bradley.

"Sorry," said the DWP man, not sounding sorry.

 "Look, this is totally unfair.  We have families in this apartment complex, women with babies.  We need water.  It's a basic human need, " said Bradley petting his black cat Dennis as if for luck.  I sometimes suspected Bradley was a Warlock for all the magic he did helping people beat addiction.

"I'm sorry, sir.  It's one of those unfortunate things about this economy where people fall through the cracks," said the DWP man, for the first time sounding human.

"How much does the landlord owe?" said Bradley, a fire coming into his blue laid-back Dude eyes I hadn't seen before.

"$2,236.76." said the DWP man, as though that was the end of the call.

"What if I paid that?  Can we get the water back on for all of us here?" Bradley asked with some sweat showing up on his forehead that was not from his workout.

Stunned silence answered Bradley.

"Still there?" Bradley said.

"Yes, Mr. Quick.  I'd have to check with my supervisor.  But before I do that you must understand you may never get reimbursed.  Is that clear?" the DWP man said, admiration and hope creeping into his voice.

"I understand.  I just want to get the water back on for us all." Bradley said smiling at me.

"Ok. This is new ground.  No tenant has ever volunteered to carry an entire delinquent apartment building themselves before.  Not even sure that's legal," the DWP man said with an amazed chuckle.

"You can convince your boss to let me do it." said Bradley, sounding like the life coach I got in the bargain of our barter.

"You don't know my boss, Mr. Quick."

"It's no accident you got this call.  Angels are at work here." Bradley said like a coach sending a quarterback into win the game.

"Hold the line and cross your fingers." said the DWP man putting us on hold.

As I sat there in Bradley's cat torn chair and we waited, my heart filled with deep respect for this selfless man.  "You're a saint, Bradley.  I'd never have even thought of doing something like this.  Even back when I was a spoiled millionaire building Oprah's studios.  Do you really have the money to absorb this if the bank foreclosing on this stiffs you?"  I said in awe.

"The money will show up." Said Bradley, roughing up his cat, more like how you'd pet a dog.

A few minutes later the DWP man was back.  "Congratulations, sir.  You are officially a hero of the recession.  I hope your neighbors appreciate what you've done to get their water back on." said the happy DWP man.

Yes, I am very, very glad I made a U-turn on the road to Antarctica in Arizona and went back to LA and visited Bradley at Burbank's St. Joseph's hospital.  No surprise to you, I am sure after reading just this one story about the legend of Mr. Quick, but Bradley broke all attendance records for people visiting him in the hospital.

As he lay withering in the hospital of painful stage 4 cancer and I told him I would dedicate the Pacific Time Zone meditation to him on 12.12.12 in Antarctica.  Bradley said, "Thanks," as his eyes welled with tears.  A master proud of his pupil. 

I clowned for Bradley with a video of me bumping around in a cave doing meditation in his honor and got him to laugh.  As I helped him get to bathroom when their were no nurses around Bradley asked me softly, so that no one else could hear, "Am I doing all this, Ken, or is some outside force taking me down?"

I checked with my spirit guides I met while his roommate, and that's another whole story, and smiled to Bradley,"It's you."

"I knew it was me," Bradley pondered.  "But why?"

"You've decided you can do more to help the world from the other side." I said amazed I could deliver this news from the spirit world with such clarity.

Bradley nodded with a grin "Sounds like me."

Just three days after I visited Bradley in the hospital and returned to Sedona, and the road to Antarctica, a text from Dorothy Donahue, his best lady-friend in LA, announced "He is NOW home with God."

Bradley works to find cures for addiction and cancer and to make a better world from the other side in the Shift.  He has visited me in spirit to comfort me on the road to Antarctica.  He's said my mission will succeed for a cool change.   And I believe him.

Since I am on the road and can't make it back for the service, I hope someone will read part of this tribute at the Celebration of the Life of Bradley Quick being held at 101 Ocean Ave Unit D, Santa Monica, CA 90402 at &:30 November 6th.

They better have plenty of seats because they are gonna need them.

Ken Sheetz (left) Hero of the Recession Bradley Quick (right)