Friday, December 26, 2014


Enough of Americans, led most notably by George Clooney, made enough noise and Sony reversed itself and released THE INTERVIEW on Xmas day after all to sell out crowds in limited theatrical release and online, more notably, online at Youtube, thus thumbing its nose at the online hackers Guardians of Peace.

As predicted by fear fighting BuzzBroz, no theaters exploded, North Korean soldiers did not parachute into Tempe, AZ and World War 3 is still only the apocalyptic favorite topic of 5 out of the 6 trailers I saw for THE HOBBIT's Sedona release.  How weird is that?

Yep.  What a fear feast Hollywood gifted us for Xmas this year.  Mega chain AMC remains on the Chicken Little INTERVIEW sideline, BTW.  Bah humbug.  AMC is cowardly.  I say boycott their theaters for getting the self-censorship ball rolling.

BuzzBroz had some fun at Kim's expense but never pictured killing him off like Seth and James do. One of the rules of classic comedy people seem to be forgetting is no one dies.  Not even the bad guys.

Stay tuned for my review of THE INTERVIEW.  I'll admit I am biased against this film on the principle its arrogant in killing Kim off. Hollywood is arrogant and sick in its own right.  No heroes in this film except the American people raising a stink to see THE INTERVIEW, thumbs up or down.

1 comment:

  1. Great cast, work, and message. Thank you for sharing.
