Thursday, December 18, 2014

Sony Disregards Obama and the People

By Ken Sheetz


Hear it?  That was the sound of your freedom of expression vanishing under the threat of terrorism, cyber and otherwise, with Sony pulling the Xmas day release of THE INTERVIEW.

Such quiet terrorism that it makes America's most powerful stealth bomber sound like car that lost a muffler. So sudden. Yesterday we were a free country. Able to enjoy political satire. Today we are less as a people and on a dangerous slope.

What's next North Korea, or some other nuclear power, telling us what we can post on FB, Youtube and Twitter? Don't laugh. It can happen.

Are terrorists really allowed to win so easy? Are we so desensitized to violence and corruption in our government, so docile that we are going to let these criminals run our lives without a whimper?

The Sony debacle is so deep it topples all our illusions of a free society.  I bet many brave souls would sign a waiver to see THE INTERVIEW, if just in defiance of the so called Guardians of Peace.  Sony, a foreign corporation, if not on paper, is setting a terrible precedent by saying they had no choice from a liability standpoint but to pull the film. It's utter disrespect of the rights of the people.

Imagine Chaplin's THE LITTLE DICTATOR being pulled because Adolph Hitler was angry it mocked him.  Where has the backbone of our society gone?

No 911 towers fell. But something just as, if not more, important has vanished without a single casualty...  our freedom.

Such a feeble president we have at such a critical moment in history.  Here is his response to the cyber threats.  "Americans should go to the movies." How? Nothing to see Mr. President.

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