Saturday, August 24, 2013

Robotic Judge, Jury and Executioner

By IMB Credited Filmmaker Ken Sheetz

Allow me to get social media nerdy.

If you are going to be in social media and earning a living on Google ads on YouTube you better enjoy being a paralegal disputing errant claims of kids and crooks. Not the fun part of my job. YouTube's robot is constantly and errantly selecting stuff to claim against you has bugs and you must constantly put your video life on the line as they have the right to cancel your channel as your judge, jury and executioner.

Here's my latest dispute. Now imagine me doing this paperwork on hundreds of videos from time to time and you understand why I am creating a Vimeo channel.

And here is the video that over 250 thousand dollars of my time and talent rides on. 

1 comment:

  1. Nerd alert! Victory in my copyright battle with someone on YouTube trying to steal my thunder. You know you have a cool video when someone from a big music company wants to horn is, But this video is 100% original BuzzBroz/Flanagan! Enjoy.
