Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How Giving Led to a Princess

With over a billion videos on YouTube it's hard to get heard above the clatter, evern if you have great videos like a Princess (Mee McCormick, left) you'll meet in this fairy tale.

How I met the amazing Princess is a lesson in good karma.  I was doing in Las Vegas at the Holistic Treatment conference where I was manning the booth for client Bradley Quick's (left) amazing charity.  I donate almost half my time and videos to Bradley's The Cool Change Foundation.

Lee McCormick (right in photo) was breezing past the booth at the Holistic Treatment Conference when I stopped him to talk about BuzzBroz and our work helping Bradley's great mission bring about a cool change in people lives to beat addiction.

Lee and I hit if off immediately. I learned Lee runs an amazing recovery center in Tennessee called The Ranch, we hope to work for one day. His work there simply awesome and cutting edge. And as it turns out Lee also has a 10/10/10 event planned on The Ranch in Tennessee like mine revolving around 2012. Talk about synchronicity!

Lee used my laptop to show me his lovely and talented wife Mee's YouTube channel for Princess Know It All TV and the views were not what the deserved to be. WOW! This was high production value, quality entertainment, better than most of what we see on TV on any given day and it has real soul.

Lee said he'd get back to me and after a few months not hearing from him I forgot about our nice but brief encounter in Vegas.

One day out of the blue Lee called. I immediately recalled the quick talk we had about Mee's YouTube videos and the rest is history.

Now, thanks to BuzzBroz's ability to get videos the views they deserve on YouTube - Mee McCormick, as lovely as Julia Roberts, deep as Oprah and funny as Lucy - is on her way to becoming a YouTube star with millions of viewers.

And the Princess cooks!  Learn more about the Princess at PrincessKnowitAll.com and tell her BuzzBroz sent you.

Chalk up this Vegas karmic jackpot opp to work for a magical Princess - so named because whenever she thinks she knows it all Mee learns she doesn't - to giving my time and talent to Mr. Quick's charity which I hope you'll drop by and make a donation to if you liked this story.

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