Sunday, August 15, 2010

Head in the Clouds Feet on the Ground

After covering a spiritual group therapy workshop in Italy that led to a vision in Italy of a gentle 2012, it felt great to be back in my adopted home town of Chicago doing social media for something as down to earth as a hair salon.

This was however no ordinary hair salon, since it is located in America’s tallest building, Willis Tower, FKA, and forever to me, The Sears Tower.  At 110 stories Sears held the world’s tallest for over 25 years until some Asian and Saudi towers surpassed it height but not in greatness.

The name of the hair salon is A Cut Above and its location on Lower Level One makes it tricky for some people to find, especially post 9/11.  As America’s tallest building and a symbol for capitalistic society the Tower is a target for terrorist attacks.  So security is the tightest some of the tightest in the world, more on that security later.

Here's the video we made to help people find A Cut Above Salon.

Back on 9/11 I worried enough for the safety of the owner of the salon, the lovely Karen Kennedy, to call her and make sure she was OK.  Karen and I dated after my divorce.  I blew it by asking her to marry me.  But despite going our separate ways we stay in touch and watch out for one another.

So one day this past Spring when I got an email form Karen asking for a proposal for a website design I was excited.  Karen had been suffering the classic web issue of the site taking forever to get built and shelling out thousands of dollars.  I told I could put and end to her web misery with a GoDaddy template site she’d be able to maintain herself.

Karen was skeptical about learning to run a website but I assured her Godaddy’s 24 hour service would come to the rescue if she if got stuck.  Within a few phone conferences I had a clear idea of what Karen wanted on the website and I finished for her in a matter of days.

In fact it’s always the custom banners that take the longest in the process for simple, easy to use websites, and Karen was no exception, or I could have been done in a day with her 5 page site.  All created for only $1000.

So not for a fraction of what she had paid Karen without yet getting her website up and running with her former web designer she was in business.

But when it came time to train Karen on how to maintain the site with simple changes my phone training left something to be desired.  So I offered to fly from LA, at my own expense, to visit her in Chicago for one on one training.   What had been impossible to teach Karen over the phone about Godaddy Website Tonite navigation proved a breeze in person.

And as long as I was in Chicago I paid Karen a visit at her salon and got her YouTube station up and running.  Take a look.  Isn’t Karen adorable?

Oh, the security at the tower almost tackled me when they saw me taking pictures of how to find Karen in the mammoth structure.  I had to get Karen to accompany me to get the shot.

My visit to Chicago allowed me to old friends, visit old haunts, see my kids and family in Wisconsin.  Everyone took my vision in Italy experience in stride.  Fortunately they can see even if my head is in now the clouds, which happens to the Sears Tower from time to time, that my feet are still on the ground.

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