Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Are You Cut Out for SMM?

Before we get blogging... Note: the buzz babe pics in this slide show presentation made on's free web-ware are all real samples taken from spammers icons designed to lure viewer clicks on various SMM pages.


What inspired the above in-your-face presentation? Well, as Regan used to purr, recently I produced a sexy, but PG, little viral for a company. I was stunned when the firm owner's ad agency found the clever viral too racy. I think the ad agency hotshots were just trying to keep BuzzBroz from taking over their job.

After a lot of unneeded hand wringing and hours of Dutch Uncle talks, the client (who shall remain nameless to protect the worry warts) finally listened to us as his SMM experts. The overly long 2 minute ad agency spot, which cost 50 times what our viral spot did, was downright boring to the typical short-attention span YouTube viewer.

BTW, the above is not a criticism of YouTube viewer habits. People don't go to the web to watch long form entertainment. The web's for surfing. So I doubt few people watched to end where the client's logo finally appears.

We got a chuckle out of the ad agency's press release bragging about the thousands of views their two minute "portfolio" piece got. Why were we laughing? Because BuzzBroz worked behind the scenes on the client's behalf to give the bloated high budget spot all of its thousands of views!

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