Monday, March 8, 2010

Let's See What's on Radio

BuzzBroz is pioneering bringing radio shows and podcasts to YouTube with smashing results of over 50,000 view in just a few weeks!  Stellar radio interviews we've learned generate stellar video content. Considering the ten's of thousands of radio and Podcasts out there this looks to be lucractive new business area for BuzzBroz.


Two weeks ago, following radio talk show author, host and motivational speaker Bradley Quick around as his videographer, I was so proud to film Bradley's masterful interview with famed author Don Miguel Ruiz whose best-seller THE FOUR AGREEMENTS sold over 4.4 million copies that has been translated into 36 languages.

Don Miguel's new book THE FIFTH AGREEMENT, authored with his son Don Jose, is already in the top ten on the New York Times best-seller list!

What was cool was Don Miguel beautiful niece, Karla Ruiz, pictured below, also had a Flip camera. So I devised a strategy to film a two Flip camera interview that you'll soon see on the blog!

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