Friday, January 22, 2010

Doritos Crash Super Bowl - Genius Social Media Marketing

I was at my favorite Starbucks on Ventura Boulevard in LA when I noticed about three conversations going on around me about the newest Doritos competition.  Last year this was our entry.  It stars Antonio Charity who's been on THE SHIELD and is a solid actor both on stage and film and TV and BuzzBroz client Pizza Salad's owner and my pal Nick.

We weren't picked as there are thousands of entries and they favor amateurs. Talk about brilliant social media marketing thousands of amateurs sending their links out for views of their home made commercials.

Top prize if you win the top spot and it airs for the Superbowl? $1 Million. Sounds like a lot but there are conditions. It has to be the #1 spot ratings wise going up against all the other spots from professional agencies. Yep. I bet lot of the amateurs don't read that fine print.

Here's this years finalists. All talented amateurs.

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