Wednesday, March 16, 2011

135 Million Words

That's how many words were written today on WordPress alone, so double that to 270 million to include   Amazing.  It's a Tsunami of consciousness.  The beauty for the gurus who built these sites is we are blogging up vast daily content for free.  Few bloggers have the kind of following that generates a real income.

People can no longer expect to bootstrap a successful blog or YouTube channel.  The web does not care how beautiful your material is.  The web is heartless and without investing in an ad campaign you can no longer expect to establish an income producing brand.

The good news is BuzzBroz created ad campaign on Facebook of $2000 a month will reach the pages of 5 to 8 million targeted people each month interested in your brand of entertainment or product.  These low prices won't last.  I recommend anyone serious about their work on the web bite the bullet and spend the money to promote on Facebook.

I've yet to see the effectiveness of Twitter unless you are a celeb.  My advice is focus your budget on YouTube and Facebook.  Considering the top YouTube channels earn $300,000 a year it's well worth reaching for the brass ring if you have the talent. 

BTW, we will give an honest opinion on your talent.  It's sad to see some of the promoted videos of people on YouTube who just ain't got it.

But if you got it, investing in promoting you content, yourself, is the single greatest investment you can make.

I hate seeing people spend a fortune on great content only to fail to promote it.  Kinda like building a house without a roof, folks.  And sadly I see people do it every day.  Vanity projects are not welcome at BuzzBroz.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wizard Behind the Curtain

Buzzed to you by Ken Sheetz

I was talking to a new potential client who has a great application for Facebook.  More on this later hopefully.  What struck me was how this bright man was feeling like many clients feel about social media: Overwhelmed.

The potential client had been told to budget up to half million dollars to launch a SMM campaign.  Imagine their relief when I told them they could get started for $2000 and reach 5 to 8 million targeted potential users of their app.  If the click through rate is what I hope it might be for them this $2000 could be enough to let them keep rolling over the profits to reach the half million mark without really coming out of pocket.  But certainly $10,000 or 40 million impressions would do the job or show them the app, God forbid is a bust.

I guess my competition must hate me for showing people that there really is no wizard behind the curtain. SMM takes money but it's still a bargain.