Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Sorry I've been away soon long. Nose to the grindstone I've just finished raising $1.5 million on the NEO Indiegogo I created for the amazing Flanagans.  It's time to move onto other things. I've helped one of the most brilliant men I've ever met in Dr. Flanagan as much as I can for now as he wants to stand back and assess the future for the NEO.

Been such an honor. His being away recuperating in Mexico for 3 months has helped soften to blow of missing hanging with he and his amazing wide Stephanie. Here are Pat and Steph thanking me for the success of the Indie.  Pat was only out of the hospital a few weeks when this was filmed so he looks tired. Enjoy!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Yahoo! News Picks Up BuzzBroz Press Release for NEO

Dr. Patrick Flanagan and Stephanie Sutton Announce NEO
Great success for Dr. Flanagan's amazing NEO Neurophone. Yahoo News, with a audience potential of 51 million people picked up our press release. Written by our Director of Buzzology the talented Genevieve Munoz, and edited by yours truly and the cool peeps at Erelease.com. The story was also picked up by 225 other news outlets raising our reach to 75 million people all across America.

I've been unhappy with most PR firms over the years. Seems I must always rewrite what they come up with.  The NEO, techno-mediation, was device, though loved in New Age circles, was unknown to the mainstream.  One PR firm became busy, very last minute and quit, another PR player was not a personality match to the brilliant doctor Flanagan, inventor of the NEO, leaving us without PR.

So it's a great pleasure to see BuzzBroz can fill the void ourselves in the missing PR on the hit NEO. Click here to read the Yahoo story. Thus far the BuzzBroz created and managed hit NEO Indiegogo has gathered almost $750,000 and counting.