Thursday, February 9, 2012

That Little Old Social Media Maker... Me

Title is based on a 60's wine commercial's slogan: "That Little Old Winemaker... Me."

Well, if you read the last blog back in December! you'd think I'd been away so long that I may have been a victim of all the kidnappings going on in Mexico.  But it was a safe and amazing trip with the great Don Miguel Ruiz, author of THE FOUR AGREEMENTS, read all about it on DreamShield.

I've moved to Malibu at the Great Spirits Ranch where I am a social media ranch hand in this paradise I've landed in.  

In the few short weeks I'll be here I am building two websites and revamping their facebook page and getting the word out on Twitter and YouTube about this 17 acres Malibu film and event paradise.  Many major movies like THE ROSE have filmed here.  But I get to live here.  So cool.

Most exciting I've devised a social media campaign to help raise cash needed for the 2012 wine crop.  Check it out!  And if you don't hear from me for a while I am ranching up a social media storm!