Saturday, December 18, 2010

2010, a Year of Survival and Revival

Who would have expected that America would not yet be bouncing back from a recession that began in 2008? At 58 years old I've been through many recessions, but nothing like this. I heard a expert on FOX today gloat about how well the stock market is doing but not to expect more jobs for America's unemployed. Of course not. All the jobs are overseas. There seems a mission to eliminate our country's middle-class.

Despite all this doom and gloom in the world I have taken these slow times as the perfect time to reconnect to my spirituality with DreamShield, an amazing series of planetary meditations triggered by a vision of angels I had on social media assignment in Italy for client Connie Miller of

That's right, I said angels. Angels who want to help us manifest a gentle 2012. We threw our first global event for DreamShield on 10/10/10 with hundreds of guests from Italy, Greece, headed by Nathaniel Hansen of, Nashville, at sponsor Lee McCormick's amazing Spirit Recovery Ranch, and LA, where 200 enjoyed the splendor of Dr. Robert Cassar's Rancho De Las Palmas at an event hosted by the lovely and talented Dr. Sarah Larsen.

DreamShield's an important mission and I am giving the angels, both earthly and heavenly, my best through 2012 and beyond. I have already produced 100 videos and an exciting, one of a kind, DreamShield blog that will eventually become a book.

And, while managing to survive, BuzzBroz has donated a ton of time and talent to Bradley Quick's The Cool Change Foundation that fights addiction through the media. We've made them 90 videos and gotten them to be full YouTube partners. We've also built the charity Twitter and Facebook pages and a hip new LiveStream channel while managing to donate time and talent to two other charities for seniors and the homeless.

As word spread of our work an exciting group of New Age clientele like Life Changes with Fillipo and Reiki master Dorothy Donahue stepped up along with some solid corporate work for Life Source Water and Podi shoes.

BuzzBroz made the best of a bad year with good work. 2011 doesn't seem to show any signs of improvement in the economy. But if I learned any lesson from this amazing year it's that you don't have to put your life on hold waiting for America to wake up and start building stuff in America again.