Thursday, July 8, 2010

Vision for a Gentle 2012

Shortly before heading to Italy for a social media assignment for the great Connie Miller's Souldrama in Italy I produced a one hour playlist for YouTube of radio show host Filippo Voltaggio interviewing Sheldan Nidle.  The video chilled me because Sheldan believes that this very year, 2010, "The Shift" as he calls it will begin and the earth and all its inhabitants will be transformed by a superior Galactic civilization.  Watch here as he calmly describes the fall of mountains and the shift of continents.

When I arrived in Italy and the amazing resort of Santa Maria Del Sole I expected to forget all about Sheldan's 2012 vision and lose myself covering Souldrama.  But talk of a The Shift had reached here.  People had even approached the resort owner looking for a safe haven to ride out 2012.  We talked about it many times over the week in beautiful Puglia Italy over dinner after the intense group sessions, a potent combination of energy work, pyschodrama and psychology.

As Souldrama came to a close Connie Miller had a gift for we students, a group healing by the great healer of Santa Maria Del Soul, Guilia.  And what happened is something I'll never forget.  A magnificent peaceful vision that buys mankind more time to properly care for our planet.

So, is BuzzBroz the only social media company  to save the world from Galactic overlords?  I have no idea.  But I won't dismiss the beauty of the vision.  That would disrespect my own soul, the group and Guilia.  All I know is I'm happy I saw what I saw as it gives me peace as I hope it will for you.

Read about the whole trip in greater detail at 7yrsinHollywood.