Thursday, May 27, 2010

Italy, Vegas and Pasadena

Building custom YouTube playlists is an amazing way to cover an event. Enjoy some of the BuzzBroz road trips.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ghost Blogging Can Be Fun

For me, as a screenwriter, ghost writing is similar in that you need to get into the character of who you are writing for. Here's a blog I am proud to ghost as it's for the great Bradley Quick, who helps people battle with addiction.


Another grueling week keeping the charity and its radio show and hit YouTube station, The Quick Fix, rolling in The Great Recession. Tough times means tighter purse strings for charities.

But positive action always gets positive results so onward and upward, the economy just adds a challenge that will in the end propel us all further.

You can't keep a great country like America down!

Bradley and Allen Miller - Photo by Ken Sheetz /

And speaking of getting the word out, this week's guest is a genius for just that! Click here to listen to my interview with one of the country's top PR and social media gurus, Allen Miller, CEO of Hitman PR.

Allen was nicknamed Hitman by his clients, that include such greats as Dinah Shore and Farrah Fawcett, and the name stuck. Today Allen makes people a hit with his great PR and SMM work. I am so grateful Allen has been donating some free advice to yours truly that I know is going to mean bigger and better things for our charity.


Attendance was lighter than expected at the New World Fair, but we made the best of it using the slower pace to make connections for future shows with the great exhibitors on hand and we did some fine interviews that you'll be seeing soon.

But the highlight of the event for me was speaking to a receptive crowd as seen in this great photo by my brother for buzz Ken Sheetz of